Why Should Your Company buy S.T.E.E.L. Straws?

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Your company benefits three ways when using S.T.E.E.L. Straws:

Saves the Environment:

By using S.T.E.E.L. Straws your company is promoting the removal of plastic straws from the Earth and saving it from pollution. Even if your company uses paper straws to try to offer a more eco-friendly option, they still pollute the Earth. (some are not biodegradable or properly disposed of) S.T.E.E.L. Straws provides the best option to Save the Earth’s Environment and Lives. The purpose of S.T.E.E.L. Straws is to give your establishment a REUSABLE item that is not thrown away.

Promotes your business:

By using S.T.E.E.L. Straws, your company promotes itself when in use. S.T.E.E.L. straws are a form of advertisement for you. Whether you use them or sell them in your business, your logo will be seen each time they are used. S.T.E.E.L. Straws benefits your company long after the sale to your customer is made. Your customer will use the straw purchased from you for years, and each time your logo on the straw promotes your company! Whether your customers use your custom logo engraved straws at family get-togethers or for dinner parties, future customers will see it and inquire where and how to get one. Additionally, the straw becomes a souvenir to your customer and it serves as a reminder of their experience and to visit you again.


S.T.E.E.L. Straws offers your company a new revenue stream by selling your own custom logo engraved S.T.E.E.L. Straws in your establishment. Whether sold in a gift shop or near the register, selling S.T.E.E.L. Straws is a unique way to produce revenue for your company. Purchasing S.T.E.E.L. Straws for your business means you do not spend money weekly on ordering plastic straws. A one time order of S.T.E.E.L. Straws (if you plan on using in your establishment) will last you years, while plastic straws last a day. Depending on how many plastic straws your business sells per day, you could save money by having a one time order of S.T.E.E.L. Straws.

It’s a WIN - WIN - WIN situation for the environment, your client and your company!

Paper Straws as Harmful as Plastic Straws!?

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Think paper straws are the answer to plastic straws? Think again!

As far as your health goes, most single-use plastic straws are made from polypropylene, a type of plastic most commonly made from petroleum and thought to be food safe in amounts approved by the FDA. Evidence shows however, that chemicals from polypropylene can leak into drinks and may release toxic compounds that could affect our health, especially when exposed to heat, acidic beverages and UV light. Most plastic straws are not recyclable. They end up in the oceans and lakes and other fresh water outlets, and landfills affecting the lives of fish, turtles, birds and other wildlife. Because of these findings, many U.S. and international governments and companies have banned the use of plastic straws.

Paper produces 70% more pollution from production, 80% more greenhouse gas admissions, and 50 times more water pollutants than plastic.

Paper straws are an option, however, they soften and break down during use and can crease or rip and cause difficulties when using. Environmentally, paper straws are not recyclable and not all are biodegradable....the glues and dyes often used in their manufacturing can release chemicals into the environment once disposed of. Therefore, paper straws are comparable to plastic straws in that they both create waste.

Once again, wildlife can be affected by ingesting or getting tangled in these straws. Paper and plastic straw manufacturers pollute the earth by cutting timber for paper, stream pollutants into the air from their factories, and create extra waste that cannot be recycled.

Waste is still waste!